Tuesday, August 27, 2024New Commercial Operations Lead for Falmouth Harbour News Release: 27/08/2024
Two decades of high-level experience in marine business and a lifetime’s knowledge of the sea has seen Tristan Rowe appointed as Falmouth Harbour’s new Head of Commercial Operations.Tristan will be looking to the wide horizons of sustainable growth and development for Falmouth Harbour for the benefit of all the Trust Port’s community, customers and stakeholders.As a Harbour leisure “user” with lifelong sailing and watersports credentials, he also spent the last twenty years of his career working on the
Monday, August 19, 2024Falmouth’s new “Blue Meadows” buoys protecting seagrass fields - News Release: 19/08/2024
A new generation of Blue Meadows “smart” buoys are marking sensitive habitats of seagrass and maerl around Falmouth Harbour, whilst keeping their own mooring chains from scouring the seabed beneath them.The new Port Notice Advanced Mooring System (PNAMS) markers designed, developed and installed by Mylor Mooring Services Ltd also do the work of keeping their mooring risers off the seabed without the need for floats just under the surface of the water – as trialled in some older AMS pioneer projects. The
Tuesday, August 13, 2024Falmouth Celebrates a Century of Sunbeams - News Release: 13/08/2024
Some fine old ladies of the sea have been celebrating their 100th birthdays with V19 Sunbeam Audry, sailed by Stuart Sawyer and Josh Redgrave, winning all three days of the classic class's Centenary Regatta and V38 Halcyone’s Gilly Fox and Bob Warren taking the 2024 Open Centenary Championship.Twenty seven classic Sunbeams, including twelve from the Solent fleet and one from Salcombe, gathered in Falmouth Harbour to pit the wits and skills of their crews - looking like miniature J-Class yachts and sailing
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