• Employer Led Skills Project

  • What is the Employer Led Skills Project (ELS)?

    The Employer Led Skills (ELS) project, led by Cornwall Marine Network and part funded by the European Social Fund will support 3,090 individuals through a collaborative partnership of 9 Delivery Partners.

    It will address identified skills gaps across Cornwall & Isles of Scilly through the delivery of practical, flexible and effective business-led programmes designed to up-skill and re-skill the workforce across a range of sectors including Agri-Food, Construction, Digital, Health and Social Care, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Marine and Retail.

    The  project will support both accredited  and non-accredited skills and is being delivered through a collaborative partnership of 9 Delivery Partners to address local strategic economic priorities and skills needs in identified priority sectors for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly (C&IoS): Agri-Food, Construction, Digital, Health and Social Care, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Marine and Retail.

    This cross-sector approach will facilitate re-training/re-skilling programmes to equip individuals with transferable skills to enable them to move into growing and newer knowledge intensive sectors.

  • Business Development Manager at the Chamber - Darren Buckley

    Darren Buckley from Cornwall Chamber of Commerce will be working to develop the skills needs across supply chains, growth, succession planning and low carbon skills solutions, apprenticeships, and geographic clustering in association with the other partners.

    Additionally, the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce has the capacity to procure specialist provision where needed through the ELS project, we will be able to provide direct skills support to businesses partly funded by the European Social Fund. 

  • Darren Buckley membership manager and project coordinator
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