• International Trade Training

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  • Training

    The need to acquire and update international trade skills to compete in this rapidly evolving globalised world is both essential and urgent!

    Need a refresher on international trade? Or do you have new team members who require an introduction to the area? Our export and import training courses provide you with everything you need to know.

    International Trade Training

    With over 15 different international trade courses – many of which are British Chambers of Commerce accredited and result in recognised qualifications – the Chamber’s international trade training programme is ever-evolving so to meet the needs and demands of current and would-be exporters.

    Delivered by expert and experienced trainers from Devon-based International Trade Matters, they cover the key skills that are essential to businesses that trade overseas, including quoting and selling internationally, understanding and completing export documentation, managing and operating letters of credit, why and how to use Incoterms® Rules 2020 and legislation of HM Revenue and Customs.

    Links to our courses are detailed below:

    16-July Customs Procedures & Documentation
    17-July Export Documentation
    18-July Understanding Commodity Codes
    30-July Understanding Exporting
    31-July Methods of Payments
    1-Aug Import Procedures
    3-Sept Documentary Letters of Credit
    4-Sept Agents and Distributors
    5-Sept Preferential Rules of Origin
    17-Sept Inward / Outward Processing
    18-Sept Incoterms 2020
    19-Sept Customs Procedures & Documentation
    1-Oct Export Documentation
    2-Oct Understanding Commodity Codes
    3-Oct Understanding Exporting
    15-Oct Methods of Payments
    16-Oct Import Procedures
    17-Oct Documentary Letters of Credit
    29-Oct Agents and Distributors
    30-Oct Preferential Rules of Origin
    31-Oct Inward / Outward Processing
    12-Nov Incoterms 2020
    13-Nov Customs Procedures & Documentation
    14-Nov Export Documentation
    26-Nov Understanding Commodity Codes
    27-Nov Understanding Exporting
    28-Nov Methods of Payments
    10-Dec Import Procedures
    11-Dec Documentary Letters of Credit
    12-Dec Agents and Distributors

    Bespoke courses

    In addition to the popular public courses, we are able to offer bespoke training for businesses. Because these are focussed on the individual needs of the business, they can be more time and cost efficient.

    This also enables businesses to train an entire team in one go and means valuable discussions can take place about specific scenarios or processes that might be needed. Bespoke training can cover all aspects of International Trade from the basics, to compliance and special customs procedures.

    Alongside public and bespoke courses, we can offer support with authorisations such as AE and AEO, export audits to ensure the correct processes are in place and consultancy to support accessing new markets. Please do contact trade@cornwallchamber.co.uk

    New Customs Declaration Training

    From 31 December 2020, when the UK completed its departure from the EU, the number of customs declarations made by traders is forecast to increase from 55 million to around 300 million each year.

    Now that the UK has left the EU’s single market and Customs Union, ChamberCustoms is committed to improving the ease and efficiency of Customs Declarations for all traders importing and exporting in the UK. We support those businesses continuing to trade with the EU now that the transition period has finished.

    Businesses that import or export goods will need to complete a greater amount of administration when clearing goods through UK ports in Great Britain and Northern Ireland; this is why we have created HMRC Customs Training, to support your business through these changes.

    You can now complete all of our customs training courses online by clicking here.

    Who can benefit from the Courses?

    These courses will suit anyone involved in importing and exporting goods and services, arming you and your employees with the knowledge to trade internationally. The people who attend the courses include owner/proprietors of small businesses that manage their own import and export services, through to employees working in import/export departments in larger organisations. Some attend all the courses, others just attend those relevant to their role.

    Training your staff to deliver your products or services right first time, every time, will lower your costs and improve the experience you deliver to your customers and by choosing a great export training provider such as Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce/International Trade Matters, who both understand about making a profit internationally, can really help your company take off in your export markets. Combined with great quality and competitive prices, it makes our courses hard to beat.

    Training Provided by International Trade Matters

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