• Children's Hospice South West

    Children's Hospice South West


    Charity / Social Enterprises / Not for Profit

    About Us

    Children's Hospice South West helps and supports children who are living with life-limiting conditions which mean that sadly they will not reach adulthood. At our Cornwall based hospice, Little Harbour in St Austell, we provide a loving and caring place for every member of the family from the point of their child's diagnosis, often for many years throughout their journey to bereavement and beyond. These vital services are free to the families and we rely on the generosity of supporters to enable us to continue to make the most of short and precious lives of children in our region.
    There are so many ways your company can make a difference to children and families who desperately need our help and support.
    Hundreds of families rely on Children’s Hospice South West each year so we can help them make the most of their time with their poorly child. Whether it’s choosing us as your Charity of the Year, an ongoing partnership or one-off event, you are helping life-limited children and their mums, dads, brothers and sisters spend quality time as a family at one of our beautiful hospices.
    CHSW has lots of initiatives for you to get involved with, from a donation directly from the business to employees engaging in fundraising activities. Our brand can add strength to your marketing and profile. Our experienced team of corporate fundraisers are on hand to support you every step of the way and help you kick start your activities.

    Video Media


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    ‘Please be aware that the members directory on our website is available to the public.  Contact information contained therein could be used for malicious purposes such as phishing emails.  Please be aware of this and take the necessary precautions.’

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