• How can mentoring give your business a real boost?

    How can mentoring give your business a real boost?

    A business mentor transfers his or her skills, knowledge and experience to you. There is no legal commitment and there is no comeback if the relationship doesn’t work. So the emphasis is on you to build a relationship with the right person, the right terms of reference, the right reward structure (if any) and the right criteria and timescale for how success will be judged. Get this right and a mentor can be one of the most satisfying, insightful and profitable business relationships you can imagine.

    Cornwall Chamber’s Mentor Match scheme is a free brokerage allowing you to search anonymously for a mentor with the sort of skills you need, make contact and explore without obligation whether they can help.
    Cornwall Chamber’s Mentor Match scheme is a free service which helps you find a mentor with the sort of skills you need, make contact and explore without obligation whether they can help.
    If you’re interested in becoming a mentor or expanding your mentee base, you can register for free on Mentor Match.

    Why is Cornwall Chamber doing this? Because we are the champions of business and we believe that good mentoring can be an important part of improving businesses, inspiring business leaders and sharing the expertise which is so important for SME leaders. Register now and let’s help Cornwall’s economy flourish together. 

    My mentor was Paul Higgins.  He gave me confidence in so many ways. More of him another day.

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