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    Cornwall Chamber of Commerce urges Cornish businesses to “take action now”


    Cornwall Chamber of Commerce has declared ‘Planet C’ 2023 in a bid to drive and empower local businesses to take action in the climate crisis. We are now in our second year of Planet C and 2023 is be all about business leadership for sustainability.


    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has given a given a ‘final warning’ in its 6th assessment report, stating that only swift and drastic action can avert irrevocable damage to the world. Planet C aims to rally the Cornish business community to step up on climate action and sustainability.


    Join us for inspiring talks from Cornish business leaders, sharing their approach and experience, panel – and round table discussions and, of course, networking.


    The Planet C Conference headlines the action-focused events and takes place at the Eden Project on 27th September. Specially designed to kickstart change and build momentum, the day will unravel what being net zero really means through talks, panel discussions and inspiring experiences from local businesses. There will also be a choice of interactive workshops, ranging from carbon footprinting and carbon offsetting to grants and funding, as well as the invitation to make a pledge for change and join Cornwall’s sustainable community.


    “We know that there is a massive gap between climate ambition and climate action among SMEs,” explains Kim Conchie, CEO of Cornwall Chamber of Commerce. “Lack of skills, funding and time all play into the mix so Planet C has been designed in direct response and tackles the challenges head on.


    “SMEs and the South West - which is the 5th largest region in terms of private sector businesses in the UK - have a huge role to play in reaching the UK’s net zero commitments. I am confident Cornish businesses can rise to the challenge. We are one of the biggest hubs for B Corps outside of London and nature and the environment is in our DNA.


    “Planet C is a rally cry to Cornish businesses – I urge everyone to be part of it and take action now.”



  • Check out our highlights from 2022!


    Find all our Planet C Events here!


    Register your place now to not miss out, places are going quickly!


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