• Business Clusters European Business Fund
  • ESF Business Clusters Project

  • ESF Business Clusters is part-funded by the European Social Fund. The project has a target of engaging with and supporting at least 580 SME and micro-businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly before it concludes in December 2023. The Business Clusters partners work with a wide range of organisations to determine their workforce skills needs and co-design and pilot new training programmes to enhance the industry-relevance of the local educational offer.

    How the ESF Business Clusters Project and the Chamber can offer Business Support in Cornwall

    Thanks to the financial support and investment from the European Social Fund, the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce has the capacity to procure specialist training provisions for Chamber members as well as members of the Made in Cornwall scheme, in addition to supporting the needs of businesses in priority geographical clusters. 


    The consortium, led by Truro & Penwith College and supported by seven delivery partners, will support businesses to reflect on and recover from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic across a wide range of key sectors. The project will broadly focus on sectors including: Hospitality, Leisure, Hair and Beauty industry and the Health, Social Care and Early Years sector.


    For more details on things such as how to apply and a project funding breakdown, be sure to visit the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Programme.

    Why the ESF Business Clusters Project is important to us

    Offering business support to Cornish businesses is an essential part of what we do here at the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce. Our team is dedicated to helping our members succeed and thrive, ultimately benefitting the whole of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 


    Take advantage of this brilliant opportunity when you join the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce today. With a whole host of additional benefits alongside this particular one, it will be the best decision you make this year. 

    Find out more about Business Training Courses in Cornwall

    Our brilliant team has put together a great video to help you understand a bit more about the business training courses available for businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, through the European Social Fund.


  • The ESF Business Clusters Project
  • Get in touch for more information

  • If you would like to find out more information about how the ESF Business Clusters Project could benefit your business, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Whether you want to discuss your training or up-skilling requirements, a member of our team will be more than happy to help you. 

    Be sure to stay up to date on all the work we do with the ESF on our social media. Stay up to date with all Business Clusters Project updates as they come through.


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