The NeXt generation of heating and cooling
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM GMTFriday 29th February at 2pm.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-next-generation-of-home-heating-tickets-807897371787?aff=CCC
Contact Information
Kensa Heat Pumps
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2024 is the year we unlock the decarbonisation of home heating and cooling.
Join Kensa Heat Pumps to discover...
- How can we switch off gas and give millions of people access to the most energy-efficient renewable heating?
- What do we do with ‘complex to decarbonise’ properties like terraced houses and tower blocks?
- How can we achieve government targets of 600,000 heat pump installations annually by 2028?
Hear from industry leaders pioneering the NeXt frontiers of the energy landscape.
See the NeXt generation of British heating and cooling be eXclusively unveiled online.
Learn the secret to decarbonising over 60% of UK homes for the lowest cost and impact.
Chris Stark is Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee, the UK’s statutory climate advisers. Chris led the Committee’s work to recommend a ‘Net Zero’ target for the UK and speaks regularly on the urgent need to confront climate change. As of November 2023, he is an Honorary Professor at the University of Glasgow.Tamsin Lishman, CEO, THE KENSA GROUP
Tamsin's passion lies not only in decarbonising heating but also in achieving exceptional results in evolving environments. A distinguished Oxford University Engineering graduate and a Fellow of the Energy Institute.Tell a Friend
‘Please be aware that the members directory on our website is available to the public. Contact information contained therein could be used for malicious purposes such as phishing emails. Please be aware of this and take the necessary precautions.’
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