• Camborne Chamber of Commerce

    About Us

    The aim of the Camborne Chamber of Commerce is to represent the views and interests of members in local matters that affect the business community, to promote the Camborne area, and encourage inter-trading and networking.

    Non-profit seeking
    Politically neutral
    Truly representative
    Financially independentv
    Member driven

    Good working relations and links are maintained with the Town, District, and County Councils, colleges, and other organisations. We are regularly asked for our views on matters affecting the business community. Town Crier is the monthly newsletter of Camborne Chamber of Commerce that is distributed to over 200 businesses in Camborne & District. It has proved extremely popular & puts you in touch with business life in our community. As a member of the Chamber you are very welcome to use the Town Crier to air your views & to advertise.

    Our membership includes a wide range of businesses and organisations (local and national) based in the town and in the surrounding area. The membership fee is only £25 p.a.

    The Camborne Chamber of Commerce meets in the Function Suite at Tyacks Hotel, Commercial Street, Camborne, at 19.30 on the 1st Thursday of each month. The meetings are very informal and anybody is very welcome to attend.

    Join us to meet other business people, have a say on matters that affect you, or play a part in improving the prosperity of the community. The more members we have the more we can achieve. The Chamber of Commerce for Camborne


    ‘Please be aware that the members directory on our website is available to the public.  Contact information contained therein could be used for malicious purposes such as phishing emails.  Please be aware of this and take the necessary precautions.’

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