• 5 Tips to Make Your Business Award Application Stand Out

    When applying for a business award, it can be easy to feel pressure to make your entry as good as possible. But what should you include in your entry? Cornwall Chamber has created a list of top tips to represent your business effectively. 


    Register your business for the Cornwall Business Awards today.


    Choose the Right Category & Don’t Copy and Paste

    Before you even begin to write your business award application, you need to ensure that you are applying for relevant categories that fit your business and its industry. It is also important to make sure that you are not just copying and pasting your application from award to award, just to apply for the chance of winning multiple awards. By tailoring your application copy towards each award individually, it shows the judges that you are authentic and meets the specific award criteria for the category. 


    Create an Engaging Story

    One of the most important aspects of your application is that it needs to be engaging for the judges. Open your application with an interesting statement that makes the judge want to read further to find out more. Avoid ‘waffling’ and stay on track to convey the message you want to represent your business with. 

    Tell a Personal Story

    Use the more human aspect of your business and tell your story from the heart. Really describe your businesses values and unique selling point, go from the beginnings of your organisation and everything you have achieved. It is important that it is shown how much you believe you deserve to win the award. 

    By using the personal side of your story, it makes it a lot easier to empathise and for the judges to place themselves in your shoes, exploring your own narrative in more depth.

    Use Facts

    Make sure any information you provide is accurate and true. By providing exact figures it helps to measure your success and impresses the judges who like to see as much detail as possible. This helps to convey exactly what you have achieved and put the overall number into perspective.


    Case Studies


    One way to get an accurate reading of a business is to hear directly from customers and what they think of your product or service. Use customer testimonials within your award application where possible, while judges don’t need an extremely lengthy description, they can stand you in a good position within providing a picture of your company and the quality of it’s performance. 




    Apply for Business Awards

    Interested in applying for an award for your business? Entries are now open, register your business today. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch and our team will be happy to help.


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