• A30 Chiverton to Carland Cross: weekend closures of the A30 and A390 in February

    Weekend closure of the A30 -
    9 to 12 February

    There will be a weekend closure of the A30 between Boxheater and Scorrier from Friday 9 February at 8pm until Monday 12 February at 6am. Traffic will be diverted via the B3285, A3075 and B3277 with different routes for HGVs. You can view the diversion routes here.

    Please note that the overnight closures scheduled for 5 to 9 February are no longer required.

    For this closure, local access north and south at the new Chiverton interchange and via the B3284 at Chybucca will be maintained throughout. The weekend will be focused on drainage, concreting, central reservation work, barrier construction, bridge related construction activities and a traffic switch at Trevalso. 

    Please plan ahead and allow extra time for your journeys during these closures.
    For a simple plan of the new A30 dual carriageway layout and the connections with the de-trunked existing A30 once the project is complete, please click here.

    For more detail on project design, planning and the Development Consent Order, please visit the A30 section of the Planning Inspectorate website here.
    Weekend closure of the A390 -
    16 to 19 February 

    There will be a weekend closure of the northern section of the A390 between the Chiverton interchange and Penstraze Lane from Friday 16 February at 7pm until Monday 19 February at 6am

    The A30 between Carland Cross and Scorrier will remain open during the weekend and the diversion route for access will be via the A390, A39, A393 and the A3047. You can view the diversion route and full details of the closure 

    Drivers are advised to follow the diversion routes and not to use local roads through villages that are less able to accommodate additional traffic. If travelling to Truro or the Royal Cornwall Hospital from the east, drivers should take the A39 at Carland Cross. 


    Advance notice of A30 closures in February & March 2024  
    • Overnight - 19 to 23 February
    • Weekend - 23 to 26 February
    • Overnight - 4 to 8 March
    • Weekend - 8 to 11 March
    These closures are usually between Scorrier and Boxheater and subject to change. We will send full details in due course once confirmed. 


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