• Cornish tech company doubles in size and is helping other companies recover after COVID-19

    A Cornish tech company has doubled in size during the coronavirus pandemic and is now helping other businesses bounce back. 

    hiyield was founded 3 years ago by Matt Ville, Ben Short, and Mike Roberts. Since then the business has been growing rapidly, reporting 52% growth this year, while helping startups, scale-ups, and enterprise innovators unlock their digital potential. 


    COVID-19 led to the hiyield team moving to work remotely however, their company culture allowed them to transition seamlessly to this new way of working, without their clients suffering any downtime. During the past 12 months, their client base has continued to grow with brands looking to bounce back after the pandemic. The hiyield team has now doubled in size to accommodate this additional work.


    “We’ve seen strong growth over the first 2 years, with some great clients coming on board. COVID has been a challenging time for many businesses, and this uncertainty won’t be stopping anytime soon so businesses need to innovate and pivot to be successful. I’m really excited for our next stage of growth and we have exciting plans to work even closer with startups and scale-ups.”

    Matt Ville (Founder and CEO)

    One of the businesses they have helped pivot during this challenging time is The Wave in Bristol. The Wave is an inland surf destination where you can surf on consistent and safe waves all year round. Like many businesses, The Wave had to close during COVID-19 which led to a drop in revenue and an uncertain future. They decided to increase their earning potential upon reopening by creating a campsite for their visitors.

    hiyield helped The Wave future-proof their business by building a new microsite advertising their campsite with a custom calendar widget that links to their Wave booking system for a seamless user experience.

    “We worked with hiyield to build a microsite for the launch of our brand new campsite. We had a tight timescale to work with but the process was straightforward and smooth every step of the way, Hiyield felt like an extension of our team. We were ready to be inundated with questions from our customers after launching but this didn’t happen, which is a real testament to the usability of the microsite. We’ve had great feedback from both customers and internal stakeholders. We’re now looking forward to working with Hiyield on our next project.” 

    Chloe Hughes, Marketing Manager, The Wave

    hiyield are currently recruiting, if you’re interested in joining their team please visit their careers page. 


    ‘Please be aware that the members directory on our website is available to the public.  Contact information contained therein could be used for malicious purposes such as phishing emails.  Please be aware of this and take the necessary precautions.’

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