Fishermen's Mission
Charity / Social Enterprises / Not for Profit
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Driving Directions:
Cover the County of Cornwall and the UK
About Us
The Charity, the Fishermen’s Mission is a lifeline for many and plays a vital role in fighting poverty and despair in our fishing communities.
We do this by providing emergency and welfare support to fishermen and their families 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Here are just some of the ways we can help:
-Providing immediate assistance to the families of fishermen who have been killed or injured
-Looking after survivors of fishing boat accidents by finding medical help, a bed for the night or providing a hot meal and dry clothes
-Supporting fishermen’s families during illness, distress or financial problems
-Alleviating loneliness by visiting retired fishermen and their families at home or in hospital
-Offering welfare and support to all fishermen working in the UK fishing industry
-Providing Christian pastoral and practical help with problems such as debt, sickness and bereavement as well as helping to pay bills, buy food and keep house and home together.
Fishermen's Mission logo
Release Date: October 09, 2023Events
Limited Edition Lunches at Restaurant Nathan Outlaw this winter and spring
- Outlaw's new Road, the Fishermen's Mission, limited Edition, Winter and Spring, Port Isaac, Cornwall
- Saturday Nov 2, 2024 - Saturday Mar 29, 2025
Chef Patron Jude Kereama is running the 2025 London Marathon
- Great British Menu Chef Jude Kereama running the London Marathon in aid of the Fishermen's Mission Charity
- Monday Dec 2, 2024 - Sunday Apr 27, 2025
Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioMr. Julian WaringWe moved to Porthleven in 2011, in the summer of rain! Started as Centre Manager for the Fishermen’s Mission. Then a new role was made, juggling the running of the centre, enacting the work of the charity in the ports (a welfare officer) and some hours for fundraising. Now Fundraising Manager for the Fishermen’s Mission, covering our wonderful Duchy of Cornwall. I have met and continue to meet amazing supporters and volunteers. A county that is full of colour, creativity and light, I am blessed to experience that every day. A genuine love for my role and my charity, I’ve seen first-hand the difference it makes. https://fishermensmission.org.uk
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‘Please be aware that the members directory on our website is available to the public. Contact information contained therein could be used for malicious purposes such as phishing emails. Please be aware of this and take the necessary precautions.’
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